Home / Giochi / Arkanoid gratis senza installazione

Arkanoid gratis senza installazione

Ricordi il gioco Arkanoid? ecco una descrizione presa da Wikipedia:

“Scopo del gioco è superare 33 livelli in cui, bisogna abbattere un certo numero di mattoncini colorati (spesso disposti in modo da formare svariate figure e immagini) colpendoli con una sfera. Sul fondo dello schermo si trova l’astronave “Vaus” che agisce da “base” con cui far rimbalzare la sfera contro i mattoncini; naturalmente bisogna evitare che la sfera cada nella porzione di schermo sottostante al “Vaus”, pena la perdita di una vita.”


Se vuoi divertirti un pò con questo gioco scaricalo gratis cliccando qui.

Una volta scaricato dovrai solo avviare il file arkanoid.exe, ed il gioco parte senza alcuna installazione, buon divertimento!

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One comment

  1. A good indication of a game’s loivtgney might be if it has been updated and re-released. A few recent titles come to mind.Loderunner. The controls were about as simple as you could get. Dig left, dig right, and move character. It was recently re-released on XBox Live Marketplace and still has much of the fun of the original.Pipemania. Another that has had several incarnations, the last I remember was included in one of the Microsoft Windows Entertainment Packs for Windows 3.1. It just got a new makeover as well.Kings Bounty The Legend. I never cared much for Heroes of Might and Magic, but a lot of people still play those too. I thoroughly enjoyed the remake of King’s Bounty, the gameplay was quite different than HOMM though they shared some elements.Another that has held up for me was Tristan Pinball by Little Wing. It is still my favorite computer pinball. For one thing, the entire table is visible on-screen. Most computer pinball games scroll the screen, making it more difficult to line up shots.Ultima IV probably wouldn’t go over well with today’s gamers. A while back my son asked what my favorite game was and I showed him Ultima IV. He caught on to the basics pretty fast and played it for an afternoon, but it didn’t draw him in like it did me. He didn’t care for the turn based combat very much either, though he did like it in King’s Bounty.

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